Abs In 2 Weeks? I Tried Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred.

So most of you will know who Chloe Ting is but if you don't and been living under a rock during lockdown, she is a Youtuber, Blogger and Social Media Influencer and has many workout plans for free which is great during this time but a lot of people have been doing the 2 week … Continue reading Abs In 2 Weeks? I Tried Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred.

Why A YouTube Channel Has Changed My Perspective On Life.

Let's go back to when we was teenagers and we would watch the likes of Zoella everyday and we looked up to her and wanted to be just like her. We surely all had that stage of life right? Well fast forward a good 10 years for myself, I still watch YouTube but I haven't … Continue reading Why A YouTube Channel Has Changed My Perspective On Life.